Working For A Better Stokes County

Working For A Better Stokes County

Monday, March 10, 2008

Public Speaking

I am getting ready to have some opportunities to speak in front of crowds. After a lifetime of listening to sermons, speeches, lectures etc and doing some public speaking myself I have come up with a few rules for my public speaking adventures.

Zollie's 4 rules for Zollie's public speaking adventures.
1.Keep it Short
2.Keep it Simple
3.Keep it Positive
4.Keep it Short

I believe this blog along with my web site allows voters to read in detail what my views are, even to ask questions and offer suggestions. In talking to people in small groups and individually more details and specifics can be communicated. I have found that when speaking before a large crowd less is more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As one of the attendees of the Campaign function Saturday night, I was impressed at your public speaking! Not the polished doublespeak of a career politician, but instead inspired words from the heart from someone who obviously cares about the community and desires to make it better. KUDOS!!!